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The Guide to Mindful Conservation: Dancing in Pink Hiking Boots

Jul 30, 2020

The stress that comes with Graduate School can be tough. Dr. Scarlett Smash and Fancy Scientist Stephan Schuttler share their person experiences in therapy and what they learned to help deal with anxiety and toxic thoughts.


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Dr.Scarlett Smash @Drscarlettsmash
Dr. Stephanie Schüttler...

Jul 28, 2020

Social science and behavioral change are essential for successful conservation results, but how do we do so mindfully. What is the key component behind mindful behavioral change efforts? Dr. Scarlett Smash, and Marine Biologist, Divina Lade share the secret in this episode.

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Jul 24, 2020

Dr. Scarlett Smash explains what Positive Psychology is and why it is important for you, humanity and conservation efforts.


Follow us on Twitter and Instagram:

Dr. Scarlett Smash @drscarlettsmash


Podcast music by:

TITLE: “India's Mantra”
PUBLISHER: Music Bakery Publishing (BMI)

Jul 21, 2020

Do you feel like a fake or a phony? Well, a large percentage of the population is dealing with the same problem of the imposter syndrome, and it can rob us of experiences we deserve. Guest Fancy Scientist Dr. Stephanie Schuttler and Dr. Scarlett Smash share their experiences with imposter syndrome and how they came to...

Jul 14, 2020

For us to be successful conservationists we must be mindful with our actions when working in other countries. Dr. Scarlett Smash and guest Ocean Soul scientist Nikita Shiel-Rolle discuss colonialism in conservation and how we must develop self-awareness, and meaningful relationships with the local communities. 

